Lesson 1, Topic 1

Exploring the Colorado Career Advising Tool: How to Read the DISC Page

All DISC results have strengths. There is no u201ccorrectu201d result. Each personal style is a unique blend of D, I, S and C.u00a0u00a0

A screenshot of the DISC Profile page of the IndigoPathway results.

Each DISC result falls between 0-100%, and is indicated by a colored bar with your numerical score listed to the left. Here are some things to know about the results:

  • How High or Low the score is shows how strongly that attribute is or is not displayed in your behavior and communication style. Another way to look at this is that the scores the furthest away from 50% are the most pronounced behavioral traits for a person (u201cHighu201d or u201cLowu201d).
    • u201cHighu201d Results: On the DISC graph, results above 50% are considered u201cHighu201d in that behavioral style.
    • u201cLowu201d Results: Results below 50% are considered u201cLowu201d.
    • u201cMiddleu201d Results: If scores are toward the middle (between 40% and 60%), it means that this personu2019s style in the given category tends to be more moderate, allowing them to easily adapt to different styles.
  • Energy and DISC: A result over 50% also indicates that this behavior will tend to give you energy. If your score is under 50% you may adapt to behave like someone high in that style but it will generally take away energy or feel draining to you.

The most important thing to know when it comes to behaviors is there is no wrong or right style. A high Dominance result is not better or worse than a low Dominance result, and vice versa. In the same vein, people with more extreme scores are not more u201cspecialu201d than people whose results hover closer to the 50% line. Humans are incredibly unique; every combination is valuable.