IndigoPathway Coaching Certification Course – Level 1

Earn your level 1 IndigoPathway certification to use Pathway to coach others, including DISC, Motivators, and beginning career exploration.

Intro to the Course – Welcome Aboard! 

Welcome to the IndigoPathway Workforce Development Certification Course – Level 1

This course is a three-part video workshop series plus “in-between” activities that will help you use the IndigoPathway career survey and resources with people in job transition. 

Who uses IndigoPathway?

IndigoPathway is being used around the world with students, veterans, retired folks, and people who’ve recently been unemployed, experiencing homelessness, or are in other transition programs. Basically, IndigoPathway is for anyone trying to find a fulfilling job! 

What we believe

At IndigoPathway we believe that all people are created with a purpose and have inherent talents and abilities. All people have infinite value in simply being who they are. Our goal is to help people know themselves and know why a certain job or company is a good fit for them rather than trying to make yourself unnaturally fit into a job or company. 

Course Outline

  1. In the first session of the course, we will discuss the importance of strengths and the IndigoPathway Motivators.
  2. In the second session, we focus on behaviors through the DISC framework.
  3. In the third session, we talk about all the rest of the IndigoPathway pages and resources.  

We recommend you give yourself at least a week between sessions to complete the in-between activities. 

Take the IndigoPathway Self-Awareness and Career Survey Now

If you haven’t taken the IndigoPathway survey yet, please do so now at or at the custom link your organization provided for you. You’ll need those results to complete the course. 

Let’s get started.

Sheri Smith, CEO of Indigo

About Instructor

Sheri Smith

Sheri Smith is the founder and CEO of Indigo Education Company, established in 2013 to catalyze a learner-centered education system. Sheri's inspiration for Indigo stems from the belief that meaning comes from feeling intrinsically valuable and doing work that aligns with one's deepest self. She emphasizes the need to redefine educational values to recognize students' intrinsic strengths, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and empathy.

1 Course

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 6 Topics
  • Course Certificate